Create a blog. There are millions of blogs around the world, whether this is in the Arab or foreign world, but have you ever wondered why these blogs exist with so many numbers? What do their owners benefit from? Every blog has its owner devoted to it for a period of time and this period is not easy, as they sit for long periods in which they empty their thoughts on the pages of their blogs, so why is all this effort and fatigue simply because Blogger is one of the most important blogs that can open up fields that you did not imagine one day, so Follow us in the next report to learn all you can benefit from by creating a blog.
Blogging beginnings
In the past, it was the right of any person to empty his thoughts and personal beliefs on the papers, but it was difficult for these ideas to reach a tremendous amount of those involved, since the slow pace of communication that was witnessing this time, especially since he did not witness any features of the communication technology made It is difficult to get these ideas to come, except through publications or books that used to take a lot of effort and money to reach only some but not all of the stakeholders.
Today, after this tremendous development witnessed by modern society, it has become easy to display and even exchange and discuss ideas with ease. It is through our computer screens that it is available for every person to present to the whole world his ideas without any restrictions or barriers, so that his thought in a few minutes will reach Many people from different groups, and since it is easy for everyone today to create blogs to present their ideas and beliefs and even highlight their talents, here is some benefit that can be gained from you by creating a blog.
1- Self improvement and personal development
In light of the government’s relaxation towards its youth in obtaining a job opportunity available to them, you can benefit you by creating a blog to create job opportunities available to you. General and you benefit a lot from this, not only this, but through blogging you will have a prominent personality, especially if what you write attracts the largest number of fans.
Which will contribute greatly to improving your self and polishing your skills and creating an entity for yourself to boast about if it is not in front of others, then it is enough for you to be in front of yourself, and after creating a blog of more than a wonderful opportunity especially for those with creative skills who are unable to find a unique opportunity to present their talents in a world filled with media and people of authority And the influence, it suffices to have only a computer and a keyboard that weaves through its buttons your creativity and exposes it to the world in less than hours without the need to accompany anyone for a benefit or request service from one, your creativity is the only one that can display yourself in front of others.
2- Profit
Everyone in this world is looking for profit, and in fact this is not a bad thing, because you are tired of presenting your ideas through your blog and attracting many fans, do you not have the right to win through that, especially if blogging takes a lot of your time and therefore it is not good to You waste your time free of charge, and blogging simply qualifies you for the profit. True, it is not a very big profit so that things don't get mixed up on you, but if your blog really deserves admiration, you will earn a handful of dollars behind it. Indirectly which is as follows: -
Profit directly by creating a blog
Here all you have to do is qualify your blog for profit, and that is by submitting at Google Adsense to qualify it to display ads on it, and by displaying these ads on your blog you will win, and this method is one of the basic ways that generate profits for you from creating a blog.
 Profit indirectly by creating a blog
To facilitate things for you on this point, we will explain it to you in detail. For example, you can write in the field of human development and self development, and present these ideas through your blogs. There is a person who has a center to give lectures on motivating young people to develop themselves, where lectures are given in exchange for a financial contribution paid Young people who attend these lectures, this owner of the center, while browsing the Internet, found your blog, got acquainted with it, and admired your thoughts, so think that he communicates with you to give a lecture to the youth about self-development in exchange for material that you take. Direct Of.
3- Relationships
The blog qualifies you to create the largest number of relationships, as it will serve as a link between you and many visitors, and the more you are honest about what you are exposed to, the more fans will attract you, and you will have many wonderful relationships between you and your visitors. These relationships may benefit you one day. There is no rewarding opportunity, for example, if a producer finds you and prints your book for you, so this also returns us to the point of profit indirectly by creating a blog, and it is all known to us that relationships facilitate many things for their owners, so relationships are important in Create many opportunities for you, and the blog allows you got it.
4- Create opportunities for change and impact
Creating a blog may make you a reason to change a person or influence another. By writing friendship, you will enter their hearts and open their eyes to things they did not know before, which makes you a key axis in changing the life of a person who was on the verge of being lost, here we do not say that you will become a reformer Global social, for example, but if you have the opportunity to change one or two, this will not be a truly wonderful thing, as your sincere writings will give you an opportunity to be influential and inspiring to others, and you may be the hoof to change a person and transform his life, which makes you one of the influential people in the lives of others, and this if It did not bring you money, it will bring you personal satisfaction with yourself, and this is a wonderful feeling Much nicer than the financial profit.
In the end, creating a blog may be the easiest thing to do, as it does not require much effort, all you need is an email to register and choose a name for your blog, and there are millions of blogs around the world, but not all are similar to each other, so only the honest, creative blog in presenting the ideas of its owner And presenting them in a proper way is the one who can succeed, be influential, and create a decent audience for itself, so if you are thinking about creating a blog, you must know well what will you do with it? How will you present it? Only in order to be able to succeed in achieving credibility and self-presentation transparently is it able to create a successful blog.